Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Exaym ke awuck

Yew sayew tengah eckzem. Wow macam ejaan eczema.

Yes indeed after a month of study week finally set off to exam. Two days constutivley. Cancer essay and CNS rogo. and both lecture materials combined can get two Alquran. I mean the pages. Never had this kind of exam schedule before (back to back exam) so it was hectic. Really. I thought I would never focus during study but right after a tiring evening perah otak for cancer exam  then straight go through over another thick handbook cause you need to finish this in less than 24 hours, I break record of studying straight for 6 hours. Not sure how many lecture in the module but surely have a full list of medicines in an A4. Tu tak masuk lagi k thats for what and what side effect and complication and all. No ain tak baik mengeluh. But after the exam (dont ask how was it) Dengan computer asyik crash and you previously saw the question in the handbook but thinking its too late to find the answer so you ignore it then sebijik tiga solan samaaaaaaaa kot but you didn't find the answer. (Well now you know why you dont have to ask, ill tell you eventually). Kwenchana though. Finally get through the mental breakdown after eating herher. Kenyang perut suka hati kan herher. But then again tiba tiba thought that cukup ke usaha aku ni untuk pay off success? Ke sebab tak cukup sebab tu jadi macam ni? Am desperately wanting to get 60 and above for this sem. At least graduate i can get second upper class. Eventhough dreamt of getting first class before but ye kita buat sesuatu dengan SMART. Specific measureable achievable realistic and time bound. So saya ukur baju di badan saya bukan badan orang lain. Herher. As semua kat sini cakap 'emm weh teruk wehh aku carry mark sikit' well yorobun bukan beautiful je sibjektif. Definition markah sikit tu pun subjektif. Pada mata anda sikit, tapi pada orang lain boleh jadi banyak. 

Posted a status on FB 'mental breakdown'. Lepas tu 😍

Even comments from your friends in FB pun awok boleh terharu. Haih hati awak ni sangat le sensitip. 😌

*perasan yang setiap kali tulis dekat blog ni, after written down all my problems ke ke pleasure ke apa ke, i will always reflect myself. That i need to bersyukur no matter what. Allah will give you what the best for you. Bagus banyak banyak lah reflect diri ya. Sedar diri sikit awak kat mana. Ingat put Allah in His rightful place. Tempat tertinggi kayh?! 

In memory of your hard(?)work

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