Saturday, 13 May 2017


Just to clarify in case lupa diri suatu hari nanti, that you are such a drama queen. So do not criticize people who overreacting on certain things. You need to understand that you too have overflowing of emotions. And as much as you love theme park so do your feelings. They are exactly playing rollercoater over and over again. Just like you did in skegness. And crying and talked to people is how you handled them. You just need to blurt it out. you seems to cannot control these rollercoaster feelings. They're just come and do onar in your brain. They make you think about every worst possibilities that could happen amiing you lost trust in Most Powerful. Reminder for yourself ain, just like jahiliyyah, you can't just get rid of them without feeling the empty space with good deeds. So as well of these bad feelings or thoughts, you need to get rid of them and replace them with your strong faith towards Allah. Every tests that Allah put you through just to mak e you upgrade yourself to another level of life. Never expect things to get easier over time, never! It will only getting tougher and tougher, and so is yourslef. You just need to do the same thing. You need to be stronger and stronger. Ain you are capable of doing things that beyond your imagination! You are strong than you imagine you are! Please stop comparing yourself ain! Don't mind what people think, what matter most is what are you in Allah's view. Get your purpose of life straight! Do everything because of Allah! Okay? Okay!

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Dilemma: Nak balik malaysia ke nak sambung pre reg kat sini 🙁

Current situation: Nak balik Malaysia and kalau boleh nak jadi budak forever. Tak nak kerja tapi dah penat belajar. Ya Allah kenapalah lesu sangat semangat juang dalam diri ni ya Allah. 🙁