Salahkan drama weightlifting fairy sebab buat aku teringin nak ada org ada dgn aku susah senang cewah. Joonjoonhyung satuu!! Well as said im still held my hope high. I still hold your 'promise'. Not sure if that's an empty promise or a joke or whatever it is, tapi sebab kan statement tu lah I still held my hope high. We've been lost contact for years now. 5 years? Or maybe 6? But sometimes I still hear about you from my friends. Tak sure la kau sedar tak aku wujud lagi dalam dunia ni, tapi I wish you could. Hahaha. Cause I still held my hope high didnt't I?
Well I'm at the age of thinking kalau I'm in a relationship right now, I would staright away think that I should marry him. Sebab beb kau dah 23. OMG. And jahatnya aku pergi fikir ... Biarlah rahsia.
K itu sahaja. Serahkan kepada imaginasi anda untuk sambung apa saja. Mengantuk. Adios!